Metal New Artist Network is now LIVE!
Sign up to attend free arts training sessions, have your say and join a UK wide network of early career artists.
About the network.
Over the next few years Metal is looking to further develop a programme of support for early career artists, those in their first few years of defining themselves as an artist. Though not exclusively, we are particularly interested in how we can help early career artists who live or work in our host cities of Liverpool, Peterborough and Southend on Sea.
Early career artists can include:
● those who are aged 18+ in their 1st to 4th year of creative practice, post-student status (if applicable)
● those who left school and did not enter Higher Education but still keep up a regular creative practice
● those who have recently graduated in the past three years
● those who have entered the arts later in life after pursuing a different occupation and are within the first four years of this.
The artist will have reached a critical moment in their career development, have limited track record of creating and presenting full work and will require a particular kind of support in order to maximise their potential and to propel them into the next phase of their development. When we say artists, we mean artists from all disciplines; theatre, visual art, film, music, writing or a mixture of some or all. We realise this can be a particularly difficult time where artists can face many barriers to keeping up their practice.
Metal are particularly interested in supporting artists from diverse backgrounds, with unique personal perspectives to offer.
If you’re unsure whether you fall into the early career category please get in touch with the site most local to you.