Izzie Major is a performance artist whose work explores the absurd, the ritualistic, the macabre, the mystical, female relationships and the grotesque.
You may like to imagine her as a love-child of Antonin Artaud, Samuel Beckett, and Patty and Selma. A lover of anything kitsch and apocalyptic, she enjoys net curtains, mould, and bald caps. She has a current obsession and love/hate relationship with domesticity and its strange and questionable role in humanity. An associate artist of Hope Street Limited, Izzie is a core member and performer in both FRIGHT WIG and IZZIE & DORA, and recently directed Dora’s hit show ‘ADHD The Musical’.
Izzie’s creative practice has its roots in automatism, improvisation, and surrealism. She loves collaborating with all beings, human and non-human, and has worked across a range of community settings, namely Ullet Road Church where she also runs an alternative Sunday School, the Rainbow Rebels.
Current artist-in-residence at Liverpool Hope University where she studied her BA and MA in Performance, she also practises internationally and is recently back from Denmark where she performed as part of ‘Sisters Hope Home’, a 5-year durational art work by Sisters Hope exploring sensuous living, a performance practice which spans performance, pedagogy, ritual and activism.
During her residency, Izzie will be researching and developing a new immersive show called CURTAINS CURTAINS CURTAINS CURTAINS CURTAINS, the full version of which will be performed for Angel Field Festival in March 2023.
She will invite members of the local community to contribute to the creative process by leading workshops in automatic writing and improvisation. Inspired by fellow surrealists and feminists Nancy Spero, Charlotte Perkins Gilman and Leonora Carrington, she will work specifically with womxn’s groups to gather dream journals and encourage womxn to delve into their deep and magical inner worlds, the place where creativity lives – something that has invoked fear and anger in men throughout history.