In partnership with the Peterborough Cultural Alliance (PCA), Metal Peterborough is hosting a Large-Scale Events and Festivals Network. Bringing together event organisers of large-scale events, mass participation events and […]
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In partnership with the Peterborough Cultural Alliance (PCA), Metal Peterborough is hosting a Large-Scale Events and Festivals Network. Bringing together event organisers of large-scale events, mass participation events and […]
READ MOREThe Unlonely City is an arts programme disrupting loneliness, nurturing moments of solidarity, surprise and laughter in Liverpool, Peterborough Southend. Through a series of artistic commissions, citizens assemblies, parties and […]
READ MOREArtists for Future Policy is a pilot programme empowering artists to become catalysts for social change by actively engaging in the policy making process. We’re seeking to break down conventional […]
READ MORECreative Break Time is an opportunity to transform the creative learning landscape in Southend and across the country. Teachers are exhausted – how do we give them creative respite to […]
READ MOREBrentwood is home to a dynamic creative community of freelancers, businesses, networks, venues and organisations, working to make positive impact across the local community through innovative creativity, arts and culture. […]
READ MOREThe 86 book, by artist Nicki McCubbing, captures the quirkiness and uniqueness of the renowned Liverpool bus route. It celebrates the beauty found in everyday interactions and the glimmers of […]
READ MOREThe Reading Room is a library and a place to think, listen and share ideas in Peterborough. It is stocked with over 200 thought-provoking books from Pluto Press, a radical […]
READ MOREPICTON PLAY brings together artists, community organisers, young people and other curious residents to celebrate the existing creativity in our neighbourhood and explore new ways of getting together through play. […]
READ MOREOur Metal New Artist Network (MNAN) programme includes artist talks, creative workshops, paid artist residencies, mentoring and networking. With over 500 members, we support people from all artistic practices and […]