Online exhibition 15th August – 15th September 2020.
Over 5 months, including lockdown, hundred of women across Peterborough and beyond met to chat and get to know each other whilst drawing. Going beyond chit chat we explored personal, political and universal issues. From Isolation, BLM to dogs or cats and ironing our hair. The exhibition showcased the drawings, questions and conversations. As part of the exhibition we invited you to join in.
“Sometimes it has been light, sometimes dark but always thought-provoking and often hilarious”
Visit the website to see the exhibition and ways you could have got involved. There are still beautifully designed resources and activities that you can download.
Consequences allowed you to express feelings about different subjects, individually or with another person, through words and drawing. Developed by artist Kate Genever and Metal, its aim has been to bring women together from across age, religion, background and culture – enabling connection, learning and seeing more of each other. The work started with women from across the city but has opened to all. it is funded by the integrated Communities Fund through Peterborough City Council with the support f Arts Council England.
A series of events were also ran as part of the project including walking tours, a notice board exhibition and a online seminar – what are the consequences of not adapting? You can listen to the full seminar below:
Metal · What Are The Consequences Of Not Adapting? – Seminar
Find out about all the postal pack and activities for Consequences at
What is Consequences?
Consequences was a project that brought together women* from across Peterborough to talk about what is important to them (houses, families, histories, culture, democracy, work, the environment, the future, and the present). It was about getting to know a city through the groups of women* that meet and about not assuming we know each other. It was also about sharing and passing these conversations between these groups to create a stronger picture and voice for the city.
The workshops were FREE and ware led by artist Kate Genever and Metal. Participants were supported to draw and doodle their responses to conversations on sheets of paper which will be passed between groups, adding and layering responses as we go. Participants don’t have to be good at drawing to take part. It was about the conversations we had together as we draw, doodle and colour collectively.
Activity Packs: Consequences in your own home
Download our activity pack here:
- Activity Pack 1 >CONSEQUENCES WK1- activities in your own home
- Activity Pack 2 > CONSEQUENCES WK2 – activities in your own home
- Activity Pack 3 > CONSEQUENCES WK3 – activities in your own home
- Activity Pack 4 > CONSEQUENCES WK4 – activities in your own home
- Activity Pack 5 > CONSEQUENCES WK4 – activities in your own home
During lock down we appreciated that people are at home were looking for things to do together – or you may have been more limited about who you can connect to. The original Consequences workshops were only for groups of women, but these activities are for all ages and all genders and you can do them at home.
How it works:
- Download the different activity Pack (a new one will be regularly updated)
- You decide who you do the activity with – with your son / daughter, your aunt, carer, neighbour. This might be in person – if you live with someone – or over the phone or online. This can even be on your own – just thinking through the question as you doodle. All that we ask is that you consider how you discuss the question dependant on who you are with.
- Carry out the activity whilst discussing the question. The activities will just use materials you can find around the home, this could be, paper, a newspaper, a magazine, cereal box, pencils, felt tip pens or biros for example. Chat for as long as you need or how long feels natural. See where the conversation goes. If you are home alone or on the phone you can just doodle or do the activity with yourself.
- Optional: You can then share your results with us and we can share each other’s results so you feel a bit more connected. We would LOVE to hear from
- Write 3 words or statements linked to what you talked about
- Take a picture of your drawing
- Share with us, send it to or post it and tag us on facebook (@metalpeterborough) / twitter (@metalpeterb) and using the #WhatAreTheConsequences. Just send / tag us this by the end of Monday.
- Tell us how it went. This is an experiment so we’re keen to learn what works and what doesn’t
Join the conversation:
Follow us on twitter (@metalpeterb) Facebook and Instagram (@metalpeterborough) and join in on the #WhatAreTheConsequences discussions.
Kate Genever’s blog Posts:
Check out Kate’s blog here about Consequences or follow us on facebook.
*any individuals who identify as female.
Metal has received money from the City Council’s Integrated Communities Fund for a new project called Consequences that aims to help people to get to know each other better and gently challenge assumptions.