Our Metal New Artist Network (MNAN) programme includes artist talks, creative workshops, paid artist residencies, mentoring and networking. With over 500 members, we support people from all artistic practices and backgrounds. Since July 2020, the MNAN programme has welcomed emerging artists locally, nationally and internationally.

Want to join?
Click here to join Metal New Artist Network and tell us about your practice.
By completing this short survey, you can have your say on our future programme and how we can respond to the challenges faced by early-career artists. You will also be signed up to MNAN’s monthly newsletter, giving you access to our free artist talks, call-outs for paid opportunities, information on residencies and links to wider opportunities across the UK. You can also join our closed Facebook group here to share work and meet others.
Who do we mean by Early Career Artists*?
● Those who are aged 18+ in their 1st to 4th year of creative practice, post-student status (if applicable)
● Those who left school and did not enter Higher Education but still keep up a regular creative practice
● Those who have recently graduated in the past three years
● Those who have entered the arts later in life after pursuing a different occupation and are within the first four years of this
*This is not an exhaustive list, and we welcome artists from all disciplines; theatre, visual art, film, music, writing or a mixture of some or all. We are particularly interested in supporting artists from diverse backgrounds, with unique perspectives to offer. If you’re unsure whether you fall into the early career category, please get in touch with the site most local to you.
This programme is supported by Festival Bridge, Curious Minds, Royal Opera House Bridge and Arts Council England, and is made possible with thanks for the Foyle Foundation.
Training Archive
Follow this link for top tips and creative exercises to support all practices from our previous speakers.