In Peterborough, the LGBTQIA+ community organise a week-long celebration which encompasses a number of different events aimed at all Peterborough residents. Pride is an opportunity for everyone to come together and demonstrate support and solidarity for the LGBTQIA+ community. It is for everyone, every race and every faith. Whether disabled or able-bodied, Peterborough Pride celebrates all sexualities and genders including Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual, Transgender, Queer, Non-Binary and Straight. We believe Peterborough Pride should be fully accessible to everyone.
Click here to find out the latest news about Peterborough Pride.
It’s perhaps a little odd that there isn’t an event in the city already and whilst a significant motivation for organising a Peterborough Pride is to celebrate our city’s diversity, there is also a very urgent and more far-reaching agenda.
Much has changed for the better in terms of equality and gay rights, and many peoples’ experiences are wholly positive and that’s great. Unfortunately, however, all too often we hear accounts of bullying, harassment and abuse on the streets purely because of someone’s sexuality or gender identity. In 2016, social intelligence company Brand-watch and anti-bullying charity Ditch the Label published research gathered over four years that analysed 19 million tweets from the UK and the US. The researchers looked at speech across topics including racial intolerance, misogyny, masculinity and homophobia. Peterborough was identified as a city hotspot of homophobic hate speech in England.
Coming out for many people also remains a deeply painful experience and the particular challenges faced by our transgender brothers and sisters feels as significant as ever. We don’t have to accept this as a given and as a city we can stand together in solidarity and say ‘no more’.
We are a not-for-profit organisation and any funds raised are entirely used for the purposes of Peterborough Pride, supporting the LGBTQ+ community and improving the event. Together, we run Peterborough’s biggest arts festival, and we’re proud to provide a platform that not only raises awareness of the LGBTQ+ community, but campaigns for a better city that recognises and celebrates difference.
Thank you to everyone who has been so generous with their support and encouragement to-date. On behalf of those who are helping to organise Peterborough Pride.
Best Wishes,
Simon Green (Community Pride Organiser)
•LGBTQIA+ Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex, Asexual
Peterborough Pride 2018.
Metal worked with the LGBTQIA+ community on Peterborough Pride 2018.
Pride ran from Friday 29th June to Friday 6th July, this week long city-wide celebration offered something for everyone. Peterborough PRIDE was about providing a platform for coming together, celebrating difference, being proud and showing support for our Lesbian, Gay, Bi-Sexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex and Asexual (LGBTQIA+) friends and family.
There was lots of different parties, performances, screenings, events and social gatherings at a whole range of venues.
For future programme updates follow us on:
Facebook: PeterboroughPrideUK
Twitter: PeterbprideUK
Instagram: PeterboroughPrideUK
See the 2018 programme of event below…
29TH June
- Scottee & Friends, 6pm, Metal Chauffeurs Cottage
- Fastlove – A tribute To George Michael, 7.30pm, The Broadway Theatre
- Mixology with Sydney Charles, 10pm Red Room
30th June
- LGBTQIA+ Fostering and Adoption Seminar, 10.30am, The Fleet
- Rainbow Story Time, 11am, Central Library
- Pride Cabaret at the Ostrich, 8pm, The Ostrich Inn
- Icons Of Gay Disco, 9pm, The Lightbox Cafe
1st – 6th July
- Pride Reading Room, 10am – 4pm, Metal Chauffeurs Cottgae
- Pride Pit Stop Shop, 12pm – 5pm, Vivacity Shop
1st July
- Pink Picnic at The Green Backyard, 12pm – 3pm, The Green Backyard
- Pride Church Service, 7pm – 8pm, St Mary’s Church
- Sardoville Presents For Only An Hour, 7.30pm, Key Theatre, 9pm – 11pm, Key Theatre
- Drag Bingo With Drag King Louis Cyfer, 7.30pm, Key Theatre
2nd July
- Film: Call Me By Your Name, 7pm, Key Theatre
- Pride Lido Swim Sessions, 7.30pm – 8.30pm, The lido
- Peterborough Feminist Book Club With Chardine Taylor-Stone, 7.30pm – 9.30pm, Metal Chauffuers Cottage
3rd July
- Tuesdays Til Two; ‘Thank God I’m Gay’, 1 – 2pm, St John’s Church Cathedral Square
- Film: Desert Hearts, 7pm, Key Theatre
- LGBTQIA+ Speed Meeting, 8pm – 10pm, The Lightbox Cafe
- TuesGays Pride 2018, 10pm, Solstice, 7pm, The Brewery Tap
- Pride Fab Painting Jam, 7pm, The Brewery Tap
4th July
- A-Gender For Change, 10am – 5pm, City College
- Wellbeing Wednesday, 10am – 6pm, Soul Happy Wellbeing Centre
- Cine-Sister LGBTQIA+ Short Film Night, 7.30pm, Metal Chauffeurs Cottage
5th July
- Politics N Pizza Evening, 7.30pm – 9.30pm, Centre 68 (Behind Westgate Church)
- Live broadcast: Everybody’s Talking About Jamie, 7.20pm, Key Theatre
- Embrace, 9pm, the Met Lounge
6th July
- Film: Princess Cyd, 7pm, Key Theatre
- Velma Celli and Freakspeak, 7.30pm, The Broadway Theatre
- UROCK Theatre Company Presents Dungeness, 6pm, Metal Chauffeurs Cottage
Over the last 12 month artist in residence Scottee has been working with the LGBTQIA+ community of Peterborough. During this time he has brought his solo show ‘Bravado’ to the city, hosted dinners, debates and based a ‘Queer Commune’ in Metal’s courtyard as part of the festival ‘Planet B’. Over a series of dinners and regular meet ups, Scottee helped start discussions around what is needed for the LGBTQIA+ community, overwhelmingly the response was ‘Peterborough needs a Pride’. Metal has been supporting the community by facilitating these discussions, contributing to programme ideas and helping initiate the first Pride for Peterborough.
See below information about Peterborough Pride from one of the Community Pride Organisers Simon Green.