Metal Day Trip to Tilbury Cruise Terminal Tilbury. Belongings: Windrush 75 with Evewright Arts Foundation
Book a seat on our coach to visit Belongings: Windrush 75, presented by Evewright Arts Foundation.
Get your tickets here.
This exciting sound and art installation commemorates and celebrates the people of the Windrush Generation and the talents of descendants who have contributed to British society over the past 75 years. You will experience an installation which offers a unique opportunity to deepen the specific discussion on how the presence of the Windrush generation and their descendants has shaped the recent history of Britain. Join us for a full programme based on the themes of movement of people, identity and belonging conveyed through filmed interviews with elders, reflections from descendants, sound, song, dance and visual projections. There will also be a community film segment on the theme of migration, DJ sessions, vintage cars display and food stalls.
The weekend will also include Tilbury Bridge Walkway of Memories a site-specific art installation, which comprises of images, documents, audio recordings and memorabilia adorning the bridge that passengers of the Empire Windrush first walked across as they entered Britain in 1948.
Find out more about Evewright Arts Foundation and this free event.
Experience film, music, and performances curated by artist EVEWRIGHT
Plus food stalls, classic car displays, come in period costume!
Find out more about the exhibition at Focal Point Gallery here.