Earlier this month, our mental wellbeing coordinator Emma Mills and class facilitator Ian Wilson attended the Mental Health Awards evening in London after being shortlisted for the ‘Most Innovative Mental Health Intervention’ category alongside seven other nominees. There were smiles across Metal after receiving the exciting news that our partnership project with Southend City Council won! Thank you to everyone who voted for us, and everyone involved in making the evening a success.
Delivered from our Metal Art School, the NetPark Wellbeing Project supports individuals living with mental health concerns. The project is dedicated to improving the mental wellbeing of the Southend community and having a positive impact across the city. After being nominated and achieving highly commended for the National Positive Practice in Mental Health Awards in 2021, receiving this award now highlights the impact of the project and its innovative approach to mental health support.
Massive congratulations to Emma and Ian for all their incredibly hard work for NetPark Wellbeing! Learn more about the project and the sessions available here.