100 Journals celebrates the lives and interests of the people living and working in Peterborough through their keeping and sharing of personal notebooks.
People from all walks of life use ‘journals’ in different ways as a natural part of their daily lives. This may be as a diary, scrapbook or to make lists, sketches or notes. From poets to carpenters, gardeners to chefs, we all keep notebooks to record our interests and ideas. We now also document our daily lives through social media, posting everything from photos of our family, pets, holidays and even dinners!
Metal enlisted 20 project ambassadors of all ages from across the city and asked them to recruit 5 project participants who perhaps had something interesting to say and who might not have had a platform to share their views. Participants were invited to keep a journal over a period of 4 months around the loose themes of creativity, exploration and reflection.
There wasn’t a prescribed format or content for the journal. How participants chose to complete was up to them. What is evident from the results is the level of creativity across the city, and the willingness of those that call Peterborough home to share their interior worlds with strangers. Sharing the journal is to share yourself; sharing your opinion in public is to enter the forum.
Some excerpts from the journals:

The 100 Journals were exhibited as part of exhibition Hoarding at Peterborough City Gallery from 11th December 2014 – January 22nd 2015. Below is the Hoarding catalogue, this catalogue celebrates the exhibition and the events that accompanied it but most of all it celebrates the diverse, fascinating and passionate voices of Peterborough.
The catalogue was designed by local design company Paper Rhino . View the catalogue below, if you would like to buy a hard copy please contact Ruth@metalculture.com.