Book a workshop ticket here! Limited spaces
A walking workshop exploring place-based writing through techniques such as concrete poetry, psychogeography and mark-making. Led by Bella and Elaine from London based publishing project Fieldnotes, this session will focus on process and conversations, capturing our settings through a blend of writing and drawing. All levels of experience welcome.
About Fieldnotes
FIELDNOTES is an artist-run publishing project based in Newham in east London. We produce a print journal twice a year and a public programme of workshops, radio broadcasts, screenings and readings. Founded in 2020, FIELDNOTES aims to promote and support non-conforming creative practices that pioneer new cultural forms.
There is always a third thing between two things that are known. We are interested in whatever there is between translations & transitions, friendships & collaborations, things-in-progress, converging genres and methods of poetic innovation. Our purpose is to provide a test site for ideas and research; a space for experimental modes and new prototypes.