Hello! I am Abby. I joined Metal in July 2024. From the North West originally, I currently live here on the Wirral, but I have lived all over the shop in England, the South of France and South Wales. I am a curious and tenacious solution finder, a joy bringer and have worked so many jobs (school librarian, event manager, logistics coordinator, restaurant manager, a teacher…) but I found fulfillment working in arts admin over the last 15 years. I have always lived and worked with artists and creatives and love supporting joyful, collaborative, community-building projects. I love organising data, and curating objects/spaces. In my spare time I garden, sing, walk, dance, cook, read and volunteer. I started learning the drums in my early 40s and have just picked it back up – watch this space! If I were an animal, I would definitely be a beaver – hard-working, organised, chatty and likes living by water!